Thursday 12 September 2013

Russian Eggs............................from Rico

Long ago, in what was then West Germany, I sampled what the locals called "Russian Eggs" (think a teutonic version of Rocky Mountain Oysters with paprika and a shot of enzian [the local moonshine] alongside).

In the wake of Barry's speech about how he's not going to do anything about Syria (a pResidential first, btw, a speech about NOT doing anything), which neglected and deflected Vladimir Putin's masterful checkmating of the Barry manufactured Syrian 'crisis' I have Putin's honour (I'd refer to him as 'Vlad the Impaler' but Bi-Barry might get excited by that, especially since it is abundantly clear that Vlad's eggs are much larger than Barry's, if Barry has any at all, that is; Moochelle could not be reached for either a comment or to check her purse) .....created my own version of Russian Eggs.

Rico's Russian Eggs

- Hard boil some eggs, chill, peel and cut in half.

- Mix the yolks with spicy brown mustard and some horseradish, and stuff the egg whites with this mix.

- Top with black caviar, and one 'dot' of Sriracha sauce.

Serve with a shot of Stolichnaya from the freezer (where I'm sure you already keep it).


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