Thursday 19 December 2013

Healthcare​. Priorities​..........................from Rico

Goes to show that Communists aren't good at math. - They never were, come to think of it. Everyone could have had some mighty damned fine healthcare for two million bucks each, but then Moochelle's former classmate would not have gotten that sweet no-bid contract for a website that doesn't yet work. - It's ALL about priorities. Too bad the people's healthcare isn't really one of those priorities......


Anonymous said...

i don't get it. is not 600 million divided by 300 million $2 each, not 2 million? $2 million wold be a website cost $600,000,000,000?

also, what are the 57 states?

Anonymous said...

Somebody's not good at math... that works out to $2 each for 315 million people.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I was going to point out how we conservatives are kind of bad at math too. It would be about $2.00 each.

The 57 states is a reference to something Obama said during his first campaign.

BWMAGA said...

Yeah, Rico needs to take a math course or at least a vacation and get his head on straight!