Thursday 19 December 2013

TOTO works well.........................from Rico

It's simply amazing that anyone with two wits to rub together pays any attention to these monthly FOMC meetings or takes the closing press release on Day 2 with any seriousness. - The Greeks reading the entrails of a sacrifice gave better results. The FED and Treasury measures for the last five years have been nothing more than a morphine drip providing 'comfort care' to an American economy in hospice. - Bad debts on top of bad debts. Yeah, that'll work. TARP, Stimuless, ZIRP, QE. TOTO works well here (no, not the rock band, the Japanese toilet manufacturer). Like 'xerox' is used for photocopy, so TOTO has become synonymous with toilet in Japan. - Perfect for an economy that is IN the toilet, and a brilliant way to describe the market gyrations (Taper Off - Taper On. TOTO) of those fixated on the FOMC. At least Japanese toilets 'work' in contrast to the FED.

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