Thursday 5 December 2013

What if It’s All True?.....................from Dan Friedman

[Roger Simon takes us to a new cognitive dimension and suggests the problem with so many of the conspiracy theories swirling around Obama is that there are no theories behind them. Instead, they are closely in line with the facts. df]

Dan Friedman

What if It’s All True?

I have never been much of a conspiracy theorist. For me it was always Oswald by himself from the Texas School Book Depository and nothing in the intervening fifty years has disabused me of this notion. For the most part, I’m an Occam’s Razor kind of guy — the most obvious explanation is likely to be true.
Moreover, conspiracy theorists from Mark Lane to Jerome Corsi (more of him in a moment) have always seemed to me a little bit, well, off.
Maybe it’s the temper of the times, however, the incessant presidential lying recently unmasked, but a brief Washington Post article linked on the Drudge Report Tuesday caught me [...]
Read the rest of this story here.

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