Friday 10 January 2014

Obama's Potemkin Recovery..................from Dan Friedman

[Obama and the Obama-run media would rather you didn’t see this. Screw ‘em! Read it - including the links - and you’ll understand what lies behind Obama’s “recovery.” df]
PJ Media, 1/10/14

By Roger L. Simon

Tell all your “Objectivist” friends and the libertarian gang at Reason magazine to break out the champagne. Americans may have skipped the movie of Atlas Shrugged, nor have many read any of Ayn Rand’s works, but they have taken the author’s advice anyway and gone John Galt, quitting the work force in record numbers. According to Zero Hedge, the latest figures show the labor participation rate at 35 year low.

Realistically, it’s even more than 35  because that figure reflects an employment bump when larger numbers of women joined the work force in the seventies and eighties.  (They’re gone now, with or without Gloria Steinem.)

Currently a record 91.8 million Americans are no longer looking for work. That’s almost one and a half times the entire population [...]

Read the rest of this story here.

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