Wednesday 1 January 2014

Warming Hobbits Hoisted on Their Own Petard.....................from Dan Friedman

[The Obama-run media has diverted our attention to the cliffhanger rescue of all aboard a ship frozen in the ice off Antarctica, while ignoring the real story. But some of the unwashed on the Web insist on bringing us the real lesson lurking behind the news. df]

There are an ever growing number of people in the world who shouldn’t be allowed to walk from their couch to their fridge without wearing a helmet and being guided by Sherpas with a certified EMS provider on standby and…74 OF THEM ARE ON THAT SHIP!!!!

By Craig Andresen

1 comment:

K said...

The ship they were on was Russian and should have known better. Speculation: this entire scenario was a Russian FSB special op put on by the anti-AGW Putin.