Tuesday 5 August 2014

Islam Trumps Nationalis​m in War Against Israel.....................from Dan Friedman

For decades the PLO was positioned as a “secular” revolutionary group and the various Islamic splinter groups were pushed to the fringes – too religiously fanatic and too weak to be taken seriously. These were the convenient lies on which was built the “narrative” that has prevailed until now. But then along comes Obama’s Arab Spring, and the Arab/Muslim world gets in touch with its 1600 year-old Islamist side that had remained in remission since 1918. 

The awakening of political Islam all over "the region" will make it difficult for the Jew-hating Muslims, their running dogs on the Left and the MSM to protect the fiction that the Arab Palestinians’ only objective is a two-state solution. But that doesn't mean they won't try.
No, Islam wants the destruction of the Zionist entity because Allah demands it.

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