Tuesday 5 August 2014

Taxing a "privilege​"..................from Rico

This is great, just GREAT!

Anyone who actually has to pay for their utility useage already KNOWS that the cost has increased by double-digits, thanks to the save-the-planet war-on-energy policies of the Eco-green nazis.

- Green being the new RED as far as I'm concerned.

Now this!

A 7% "Electricity Privilege Tax" has been added to my already outrageous utility bill effective the July billing.

- Yeah, not sitting in the dark and sweating because you can't afford to have the lights on or run the A/C is now a PRIVILEGE according to our self-appointed betters who 'know' better than we do what is good for us...the likes of Jon 'halp us peewee' Carry on a pink girl's bicycle should be a poster for the current crop of clowns.

The heir to the Occidental Petroleum [OXY] fortune, one Albert "the sky is falling, give me carbon-tax money to save you" Gore wasn't able to keep his balance on a bicycle, so it was decided to use Kerry instead (it should be noted that both of these Reds are comfortable with the color pink, however).

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