
Tuesday 22 October 2024

Election Integrity Poll.....

Should States that fail to protect election integrity be expelled from the Union? free polls
Personally I think the Governors should be held totally accountable and prosecuted (jailed)if they fail to hold honest elections.

Stupid People: The Media Is As The Media Does - MRCTV

Will Obama’s Race-Baiting Tactics Help Kamala or Backfire? The Truth About Identity Politics

Mr. Trump Goes to McDonald’s - Bill Whittle

Airstrikes PUMMEL Hezbollah Banks; IDF Applies MAX PRESSURE Against Hamas | TBN Israel

Monopoly: Hezbollah Edition

CHEAT: It's what Communists [D] Do ..............from Rico

 They did it before, and they WILL try to do it again.

- You KNOW who I mean: DemocRATS [C]

- You KNOW what I mean: Election FRAUD

Monday 21 October 2024

- 37% ? NOW we find out? ................from Rico

 This is too late for those who unquestioningly 'trusted the science' and rolled up their sleeves and voluntarily took the 'jab' without benefit of informed consent or any facts whatsoever.


Peer reviewed study just released says the Covid-vaxxed (two or more doses) lost 37% of their life expectancy compared to the unvaxxed.


- This effect is not reversible.

- This effect does not diminish over time.

- The damage has been done.


You were played for suckers, and are now screwed, blued, and only missing the tattoo...

A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province

WALZ: A legend in his own mind ..............from Rico

 Walz claims Trump 'will use U.S. Army against people who disagree with him' demonstrating several things simultaneously:

- By quoting Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals "accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate the voters against evidence of your own guilt" he is (a) NOT very smart, (b) neither is anyone who falls for this Communist BS, (c) he is a flaming Bolshie, and (d) Dunning-Kruger were absolutely correct about some people.

Genius PR Move!!! ...............from Rico

 This was not only an absolute genius PR move, it was an elegant way to say to Kamalalala 'STFU you never worked at McDonald's' Commie wench ...

$750 Well Spent ..............from Rico

 This would be $750 well spent. 


FU ......


If the hurricane victims had been Ukrainians or foreigners and/or illegals instead of AmCits Uncle Socialist would not have been such a cheapskate Charlie...

Heads up! Indications & Warning..............from Rico

 Heads up! Incoming!


I think in a lot of areas it will come down to whether the local Sheriff is an Oathkeeper/Constitutionalist or a Lefturd; same with urban and suburban areas...just like the most damage was allowed to happen in Blue/Commie-controlled areas in the "mostly peaceful" Summer of 2020, I expect to see that same pattern played out this year.


'My neighbor, the deputy sheriff, tells me that they have already been issued their riot gear.'

Trailer Israel, Iran and the Middle East Proxy Wars Explained - Colonel Richard Kemp

The Fake Palestinian Population in the West Bank | Episode 4 - The Israel Guys

The Great British Exodus - Andrew Lawrence

Sunday 20 October 2024

Pic Dump..............

Deagel - EMP - Change? ...............from Rico

 The USG has been aware for very many years of the vulnerability of the domestic power grid. Nothing has been done about it.

- Context: An estimated death rate of 70-90% of the population in the event of an EMP event has been known, and unchanged, for all those years.


Remember Deagel? I wonder what they knew/forecast in their population change analysis.

       2017 pop     2025 pop      pop change

UK   63,390,000  14,517.860   -77.1%

US  316,440,000  99.553,000  - 68.5%

This is who 'they' are .............from Rico

 The ruling 'regime' shelters and $upports illegals, giving them priority over homeless citizen veterans.


They are also willing to use deadly force on their citizen subjects.


= Know your ENEMY...this is who they are.

Right Said vs Largely Unsaid ..........from Rico

 Remember the lie about 'horse dewormer' and Ivermectin?


The same lying liars who are now saying 'nobody is eating your pets' are loathe to say anything about how damaging the vaxx has been to the vaxxed.

Nothing to do with 'Health', it's all about control

Now Labour are squandering your tax money on millions of free NHS smartwatches.

Connect these dots ...............from Rico

 Do your own math here, and connect the dots yourself, but the sad truth is that Barry and his proxies fact the DemocRATS in toto...are in cahoots with not only the Cartels, but anyone who is an enemy of Heritage America.

Let's Go Bimbo ..........from Rico

 This is evocative of that stadium full of people the media claimed were chanting "Let's Go Brandon" and not Fuck You Biden.


The DemocRAT 'machine' has been 24/7 gaslighting us with how wonderful Kamalala is, but despite that all the normies have to say about her is "Let's Go Bimbo!"

Best Viral Fails Compilation | 100% Embarrassing - Democrats never learn

Thought for the Day..................

 Some say:

'Violence is not the Answer'

Right now:

'Violence may be the only answer'

SubstacK Stuff.......

 There is some really good stuff on Substack for those of you who don't go there yet

Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark

Ursula von der Leyen Consolidates Power

IT’S HAPPENING: France to implement border controls

Unleashing Lethal Force on Americans? The Alarming Expansion of Military Power in the U.S.A.

A Big Store, Pig in a Poke, with a Pidgeon Drop and a Kansas City Shuffle

Guy Fawkes - Remember Remember the 5th of November Documentary

H/T Pete H

NEVER ................from Rico

 I HOPE I'm wrong but "hope" is no plan at all.

- It's time to prepare "Plan B" ...bearing in mind the caveat that 'no plan survives initial contact with the enemy' (but, like tracers, this works both ways and will be true for what the enemy has 'planned' for the likes of us deplorables).


The Hodge Twins succinctly put it this way: "Be prepared for violence from the regime that is running our government."

- I would say 'the Bolshevik regime posing as our government' but that's a minor quibble.


My personal best guess is S.gonna.HTF and DemocRATS have actively been preparing for violent resistance when Trump wins. [read: it's gonna go 'kinetic']


None of what's going to happen is organic. It is not. This has been war-gamed and scripted for reasons, and purposes, which we do not know based on thought processes we do not understand.


Of the many possible scenarios of Trump's winning, the one most likely to be deployed will be riots nationwide.

- We saw the Beta test for this in 2020 with Antifa and BLM, and the 'color revolutions' Obunghole and crew were infamous for.

- The Bolshevik's paramilitary street army will be activated, ranks bolstered by illegal alien gangs, drug cartel members, terrorists, and foreign mercenaries loyal to (and controlled by) Globohomo (WEF ad nauseum).


For those who rely upon the corporate MSM for information, be advised that "posse comitatus" has been quietly gutted. The DoD has revised Directive 5240.1 and the (now former) US military is cleared to use lethal force in domestic operations. [For the slow kids in class: Against American citizens.]


The words of Winston Churchill [NEVER] will be tested.

Friday 18 October 2024

Nov 2024 in a nutshell .........from Rico

 While the DemocRATS have destroyed themselves as a legitimate political entity in the process of causing as much damage to America as they could along the way, things have gone past the point of never voting for ANY DemocRAT ever again for any position, NOV 2024 has become a choice between TRUMP or Epstein's Clients & Diddy's party guests.

Hard Lessons Will Be Learned .............from Rico

 As the literal Mau Mau-ing of America accelerates, it reminds me of the destruction of Rhodesia and South Africa.


It's not merely the economic destruction [1], but the social disintegration caused by rampant criminality [2].


[1] The Dollar and the Golden Goose that laid it are being butchered by American Bolsheviks emulating Haitians.


[2] Setting aside the obvious rot-from-the-top, the street-level criminality (yes, including but not exclusive to South American gangs like Tren de Aragua et al) is spreading from the 'bad' parts of cities into the suburbs which will be easy pickings for organized criminal gangs.


[=] Hard lessons are about to be learned the hard way.

- As Rhodesia was gutted farm-by-farm they learned to keep all the lights on inside the house until bed time when they were all turned-off at the same time. This prevented the 'attackers' from figuring out which rooms were occupied.

- The organized looting of a freight train in Chicago was evocative of South Africa where that has become commonplace.

-- Staying in South Africa, in the suburbs (ref infra) the criminals have learned to crawl to their targets homes because most alarm systems have 'blind spots' in their motion detectors to prevent pets/small animals from triggering alarms.


It's not hard at all to foresee a time when one will 'carry' inside the home to defend the lives of loved ones. Call it "the American Breakfast" courtesy of the treasonous American Bolsheviks.

Stuck for choice......

 PS am still recovering from cancer surgery with more to come, shoulder this time and am a tad bored, donations still welcome as I will not be fully operational until March.

Thursday 17 October 2024

This is FA- POLICY ..............from Rico

 It's NOT Biden-Harris or Harris-Walz POLICY, but it IS precisely the FA-POLICY of the gay Communist married to a tranny who's running the assault on America, aided and abetted of course by his Team of American Bolsheviks.


ARNORTH [Army North] issued an interesting Threat Analysis of the Tren de Aragua [TdA] which included tattoos, symbology, and emojis.

- TdA is active US-wide now.


It's also FA-POLICY to resettle Haitians in States that voted in support of Trump.


When .Gov has been overthrown and degraded to the point it cannot (or will not read: FA) defend America or Americans, the result will be 

self-defence...otherwise known as FO.