Saturday 5 January 2008

Saturday round-up....

Lag refuses to leave cell. Ever heard of shackles? Drag him by his dangly bits to the nearest gallows. At least we have one Judge with some fire.

BBC 'cocaine death' couple: The petite actress whose life was marked by tragedy - and the property developer's son who became a kids' favourite. This is the second recent BBC 'staff' drug related death.

LIVE Animals torn to pieces by lions in front of baying crowds: the spectator sport China DOESN'T want you to see. We should boycott China! There again if reports are true the peasants are revolting in increasing numbers so with luck the Chinese leadership will soon be Tiger Tofu!! And before anyone starts it is the LIVE bit I don't like.

Does busy Bea really need a £250,000-a-year bodyguard? Not if she is going to carry on like this she doesn't. There again like mother like daughter.

Half of English teens falling short on Three Rs. Don't even think about what they know about Geography, Science and History!!

See the world and suffer some bruises. James May from Afghanistan.

Special forces win the right to take their secrets to the grave. So they bloody should.

Violence erupts at military base demo. We should quit Cyprus and use Malta instead, OR see if the Israeli's have a spare base we could use. That would seriously piss off the Syrians and Iranians.

1 comment:

kate said...

I was going to write about the bbc cocaine thing...why do you think it is that childrens presenters all seem to turn to cocaine? The kids cant be that bad, can they?