Thursday 20 May 2010

Strive for Socialism................from Rico

Remember Margaret Thatcher's immortal quote:

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

which describes perfectly the government's confiscation of the 'surplus' of one part of the population and their giving it to the other part.
- Also called "spreading the wealth" by Marxists like Obama-Soetoro.

which perfectly IGNORES the hard arithmetic truth that once you reach total confiscation, a continuation of this policy is impossible.

More correctly stated, "The problem with Socialism is that eventually the money runs out of purchasing power." [think: Zimbabwe]

Easy, eh?
- Then why cannot the 40# brains in government or the big circus tent called Congress figure this out?


AntiCitizenOne said...

The problem with socialism is that it lowers wealth creation below the natural level of wealth destruction (wear and tear) and thus things begin to degrade leading to complete collapse.

Nozzle said...

I would add that government is a destroyer of wealth...They take from productive individuals and businesses...It is then filtered through a massive beuacracy without a profit, or performance motive...Finally, the remainder and then some is distributed inefficiently in various vote-buying schemes, not wealth creating enterprises...Therefore it is a 100% efficient destroyer of wealth.