Monday 11 October 2010

Wile E. Democrats............from Rico

Nasty Pelosi's jawboning about she and the Democrats (C) 'winning' in November and Joe 'plugs' Biden threatening Hell to pay if they should 'lose' reminds me of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon. Not just that the Democrats (C) of today ARE cartoonish figures compared to the likes of Harry Truman or JFK, but also of 'that moment' stuck in mid-air just before crashing to the ground.

The Democrats ARE now stuck in a THAT moment...of realization that they are in mid-air, unsupported, and will begin defining gravity soon, just as they have been defining smugly stupid and wrong-headed.

Wile E. Democrats.

Listen for the thud. Watch for the puff of dust.


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