Friday 24 June 2011

Are you ready for America's financial day of reckoning?..........from Rico

In this blatantly "rigged" game, the release of 1.5 days worth of oil consumption tanked oil and commodity prices today.
- Before the markets were corrupted by the FED and the Government's Plunge Protection Team, when Bill Clinton did something similar the price of gas moved lower by one penny.

Without parsing Benny of the Fed's words, it is clear that what he MEANS is more QE just by another name...more money printing. Read his lips!
- Ignore the hysterics and the noise, do NOT run for the false security of those bottomless lifeboats (Bonds and US Dollars) but stand fast with your Canadian Dollars, Swiss Francs, Gold & Silver. You don't want to wake up one day and find your paper assets (including paper US Dollars) worthless.

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