Saturday 24 March 2012

The Facts Upset the Left's Narrative on Trayvon Martin Shooting

I'm pretty sick of this.

See: "Witness Says Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman."

For example, here's Sandy Banks at the Los Angeles Times:

Does race play into it? Certainly. I have no doubt Trayvon would be behind bars if he'd been the shooter in that scenario.

But what is moving America now owes its resonance to a bag of Skittles, a can of iced tea and a hoodie pulled low against the cold.

And the heartbreaking photo we can't seem to avoid, of a bright-eyed kid in a Hollister shirt smiling broadly into the camera, who was shot to death walking to his dad's home by someone who felt he didn't belong.
Oh, that is such f-king bullsh*t. (Pardon my French, but progressives are f-king lying about this case.)

Don't believe the left's lies. Debunk the narrative.

"VIDEO: Witness: Martin Attacked Zimmerman."

More later...

UPDATE: Check this from Dan Riehl, "As Media Reports Conflict, Why Was Trayvon Martin Photo Altered?"

And Blazing Cat Fur links: "Race Baiters Narrative Has Serious Flaw: Witness Says Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman."

Plus, at Daily Mail, "Now witness claims TRAYVON attacked Zimmerman: Anonymous onlooker told police neighbourhood watch captain was provoked... as friends insist teen was not violent and protests mount" (via Memeorandum).

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