Wednesday 27 June 2012

Watchers Council EU Summit Edition, NewsBusters video and NATO condemnation!...from Mike Haltman at TPC

Three offerings this morning from The Political Commentator running the gamut from humor to dead seriousness!

Watchers Council "EU on the brink" Edition - This weeks edition of the Watchers Council is dedicated to the financial mess in the EU and any likelihood that the EU Summit beginning on Thursday in Brussels will result in any tangible, and more importantly implementable, results!

Political humor, opinion and satire from NewsBusted: June27, 2012 (Video)Video from NewsBusted hosted by Jodi Miller with very funny commentary on political topics and other issues that are in the news.

Who said condemnation? Was it NATO, the U.N. SecurityCouncil or Hillary Clinton?The comments out of NATO regarding the shooting down of a Turkish military jet by Syria sounds hauntingly familiar!

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