Thursday 26 December 2013

Netanyahu'​s Sleight of Hand......................from Dan Friedman

NB: A couple of weeks ago I was urged by a respected Israeli journalist to lay off Bibi for awhile since the PM and his government were still collecting their thoughts after “the shock” produced by Obama’s sudden Geneva deal with Iran. I have a message for my friend the journalist: Time is up.
[We've seen this movie before. Netanyahu announces "new settlements" at the same time he releases more Arab terrorists or tearfully announces some other “difficult concession.” The problem being, the homes never get built but the murderers roam free to kill Jews again. Frankly, this ploy is getting tiresome and repetitive. And so is Israelis' willful indifference. Sure, they’ll scratch your eyes out when you get in front of them at a falafel stand. But they remain silent when their kids are packed off to defend the nation to cover up their leader’s many unforced errors and “painful compromises.” Of course, it would traitorous to do otherwise. df]
Att: Deja vu Dept
CC: Bullshit Dept.
Times of Israel, December 25, 2013
PM, defying US and EU pressure, to issue list of new building plans close to release of Palestinian prisoners next week

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