
Tuesday 8 July 2014

Obama's Massive Illegal Alien Invasion

By Alan Caruba

On January 29 the Obama administration posted a notice for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” on At that time the estimate was for 65,000 children and the escorts were needed to help the children being transported to “Refugee Resettlement shelters located throughout the continental United States.”

Calling the orchestrated deluge of aliens invading the nation “refugees” simply obscures the fact that all are engaged in illegal entry; a crime the last time I checked. How many are actually children and how many are much older is unknown, but we do know that many are bringing with them diseases that can spread to the general population and others are arriving with criminal intent. The children are merely pawns.

The question that has yet to have been answered is how did the Obama administration know in January that the “children” would be arriving later in the year?

What Americans are witnessing is a planned illegal alien invasion of the nation, orchestrated by Obama.

It is one more piece of the puzzle that adds up to the deliberate destruction of the economy; one in which the financial crisis of 2008 has been allowed to become an ongoing recession with massive unemployment and, now, rising inflation. Presidents prior to Obama, Reagan and Kennedy to name two, encountered recessions and took well known steps to reverse and end them.

The illegal alien invasion is just the latest element of what has been a deliberate Obama policy to ensure that as many illegal aliens as possible can get into the nation and add to the burden of various programs to aid them. The political reason for this is that they will constitute more Democrats, but they would have to be legal to vote and the refusal of the Republican Party to embrace amnesty has kept that from happening.

The illegal alien invasion is taking a toll on Obama’s job approval rankings. On June 20, Gallup’s latest poll found that “Americans’ approval of President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration has dropped to 31%, one of the lowest readings since 2010, when Gallup began polling on his handling of the issue. Meanwhile, two out of three Americans (65%) disapprove of his handling of immigration.”

By June 28 Gallup’s polling showed that “fewer than one in four Americans favor increased immigration to the United States. And, unlike most issue facing America today, it’s completely bipartisan.” On July 7, Rasmussen Reports announced that “Nearly half of U.S. voters believe the Obama administration has prompted the flood of illegal immigrant children at the border and most want them sent back home right away.”

This was the overwhelming response of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, and all other elements of the population. On June 2 The Washington Times reported that Obama had declared the deluge of illegals an “urgent humanitarian situation” and that he had named a federal coordinator “to make sure the children were cared for—but offered no new ideas for how to keep them from trying to enter.” That’s because he had planned the invasion.

The Washington Times reported that “The White House signaled that, as least for now, it sees the flow of children—which it predicts will more than double in 2015—as an issue to be managed rather than a problem to be fought.”

It is “managing” the problem by dispersing the new illegals, children—age 5 to 17—and older, all across the nation. Monica Sanchez, a member of The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program, reported on June 10 that “Critics of the situation call it an ‘administration-made disaster’, attributing the unprecedented 12-fold spike in underage migrant children to Obama’s controversial Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals program. Rolled out in 2012, the program allowed many illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors to escape deportation for two years” and in early June, the White House gave them another two-year window.

The Center for Immigration Studies notes that “In 2012 there were 2.7 million immigrants from San Salvador (1.3 million), Guatemala (880,000), and Honduras (536,000) in the United States. Combined the immigrant population from these three countries has grown 234% since 1990.” The Department of Homeland Security estimates “indicate that about 60% of immigrants from these three countries (1.6 million) are in the United States illegally.” Does that sound like security to you?

On June 29, The Wall Street Journal reported that “President Barack Obama is seeking more than $2 billion to respond to the surge in children and other migrants from Central America who are illegally crossing the U.S. border, and is asking for new authority to return them home more quickly, the White House said Sunday.”

“U.S. law requires that apprehended children be turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services, which places them with sponsors in the U.S.—usually family—while their deportation cases are heard. Clogged immigration courts and an array of legal avenues to extend their time in the U.S. can result in these young migrants remaining north of the border for years or permanently.”

Among the many ways Obama has waged war on America, the massive invasion of illegal immigrants represents an assault on an already fragile economy; one plagued by more than 92 million Americans who are unemployed and laboring under a $17 trillion debt. There aren’t enough jobs for native and naturalized Americans. Adding $2 billion to the debt to “manage” the invasion is just one more way to further harm the nation.

Obama will not be impeached and Congress is so gridlocked it cannot respond to the invasion. Federal agencies will disburse the new arrivals and they will in time be forgotten as Americans struggle to deal with rising inflation while Obamacare has created obstacles to job creation.

Obama is a total political animal. Nothing else affects his outlook and his decisions. It tells you everything you need to know about him that on Tuesday, July 8, he will be in Texas fund raising, but will not go to the border to see firsthand the flood of illegals he has generated.

This has the look and feel of a planned invasion, an invited disaster. It is just one more example of a President unable to anticipate the outcome of his ideological policies.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

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