Friday 4 September 2015

More Historic Records Set..................from Rico

Remember Barry endlessly gassing-on about all the jobs HE has created?
- Well, he was telling the truth, but as is usual for him....just not all of the truth:
a.) During his tenure 4 million jobs have been created!
- For 'below living wage' bartenders and waiters.
b.) And 14.9 million jobs have been lost.
- For workers earning a 'living wage.'
So again, with today's heavily "massaged" NFP report, instead of the 'happy ending' the media poodles are promoting, the US has another "new record" 94 million workers not working, and yet the no-longer-believable "official" unemployment rate ticks-down from 5.3% to 5.1%.
This is what you get when failure is called success...
- And equities took a dump to 'celebrate' because "#Historic" or something.

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