
Sunday 7 October 2018

Know History, Understand Democrats........from Rico

If Americans knew their history (past and present) they would understand Democrats.


Consider ObamaCare having passed with 100% Democrat support, and no Republicans. Then consider the Kavanaugh vote just concluded which was also along party lines [comment: Murkowski R-AK isn't really a Republican or even a RINO, but she IS incredibly stupid].

- Now look carefully at the Republican vs the Democrat support for the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution.


Convince me that Democrat is NOT the very definition of Hypocrite, and why anyone should vote for them in 2018.

- Democrats are not Americans, they are Social Democrats (Socialists) or Soviet-style Communists. Arguing to the contrary is like saying Jihadi's are Lutherans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Democrats only believe in power. There is no god above them, there are no laws that can properly contain them. There fore there is only one political party which can ultimately be hypocritical and that is the only party that does not believe in democrats.