
Saturday 12 January 2019

Comment from Lenmar.....................

Well folks we are getting closer and closer to becoming the next USSR.  We have a man who can't wait to be another Josef Stalin. Chuck the "Schmuck"  Schumer is doing everything in his power to destroy the US as we know it and he is succeeding slowly but surely. Just look at this collection of nincompoops that are now Democrat members of Congress.  One would think that American citizens would rise up and not vote or support the Democrat (really Communist) Party.  
An American author, Sinclair Lewis wrote a book called  It Can't Happen Here.  He was referring to the possible demise of the US and the Nazis would then control this country.  Of course it did not happen then, but folks, it will happen here, It of course not become a Nazi country, but a Communist Country.  There is not too much difference between the two. 

Well folks we are getting closer and closer to becoming the next USSR.  We have a man who can't wait to be another Josef Stalin. Chuck the "Schmuck"  Schumer is doing everything in his power to destroy the US as we know it and he is succeeding slowly but surely. Just look at this collection of nincompoops that are now Democrat members of Congress.  One would think that American citizens would rise up and not vote or support the Democrat (really Communist) Party.  
An American author, Sinclair Lewis wrote a book called  It Can't Happen Here.  He was referring to the possible demise of the US and the Nazis would then control this country.  Of course it did not happen then, but folks, it will happen here, It of course not become a Nazi country, but a Communist Country.  There is not too much difference between the two. 

Wednesday was a big day in Washington.  As newly-elected members of Congress were sworn in, control of the House of Representatives flipped from Republican to Democrat. 
While this is usually a run-of-the-mill process, a lot of things happened Wednesday that should concern anyone who cherishes American values and who was hoping for compromise from the new Congress. 
Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) refused to take her oath of office on the Bible. Instead she used a law book.  I don't know which law book, but I do know this:  Long after the senator and whatever book she took her oath on are gone, the word of God will endure. 
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took her oath on what she called "Jefferson's Koran."  She said, "Some of our Founding Fathers knew more about Islam than some members of Congress now."  Obviously she doesn't know very much.  Jefferson got a translation of the Koran so he could understand the Islamic Barbary Pirates against whom he would later, as president, wage war.  Thus the phrase, "To the shores of Tripoli" in the Marines' Hymn.  But she is probably right -- the Founders understood what many elites today do not:  Radical Islam is a deadly threat to freedom.  
Unfortunately, Tlaib wasn't done.  She later went to a reception sponsored by the radical group  Referring to a conversation she had with her young son about her election, Rep. Tlaib declared, "We're gonna go in there and impeach the motherf---er.'"   
And there's more.  The world map on the wall in Rep. Tlaib's office had a Post-It note on it labeled "Palestine" over the state of Israel.  
Rep. Tlaib is not the only newly elected member of Congress who is hostile to Israel.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) lied to her constituents about her support for efforts to boycott and sanction Israel.  The election of these two Muslim women, along with socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-NY), has been hailed by cultural and media elites as "the wave of the future."  Just to be clear, they are celebrating the victory of anti-Semites.  Some future. 
Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) posted the transgender flag outside of her office not the US flag.   (Yes, they have a flag.) 
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College. 
Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) introduced articles of impeachment against President Trump. 
Not to be out done, Nancy Pelosi made history herself by becoming the first woman to become Speaker of the House twice.  And the first bill she pushed through the House late last night was an appropriation bill that gave an additional $12 billion in foreign aid to multiple countries and provided more money to promote abortions overseas, but did not provide one dime for better border security to protect American citizens.  
And that, my friends, was just Day One of the new Democrat House! But we are in good hands now!!!!!!!

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