Tuesday 8 October 2019

D.D.S.o.S. .......................from Rico

The Democrats are consistent, if nothing else. Consistently Leftists, that is.
- So far in their "Assault upon America 2020-version" all that we have seen is DD-SoS: Different Democrat-Same old Shit.
Recycled Commie Shit...
This 'morphed' photo could be with any of the current Democrat 2020 "wannabe's" [Q: Wannabe what? A: Wannabe your Comrade Chairman], it's just even fuglier with HMF* 'cankles'...
They are ALL Communist Assholes...
PT Barnum said it best:
         "There's a sucker born every minute."
*HMF: Her Marxist Filthiness

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