Sunday 17 September 2023

History According to Joe Biden...............WFB

fe, odds are the details have been exaggerated beyond recognition or are entirely made up, false memories churned out by his ailing and deluded b

PPresident Joe Biden loves to talk about himself. He's also a notorious liar. When the 80-year-old president tells a story about his (very, very long) life, odds are the details have been exaggerated beyond recognition or are entirely made up, false memories churned out by his ailing and deluded brain.resident Joe Biden loves to talk about himself. He's also a notorious liar. When the 80-year-old president tells a story about his (very, very long) life, odds are the details have been exaggerated beyond recognition or are entirely made up, false memories churned out by his ailing and deluded brain.

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