Saturday 9 April 2016

Kate Moss Covers May Vogue with Hot Boosting Nipple-Poking Photo-Spread

Here, "Kate Moss Honors the Rolling Stones in Her 37th Vogue U.K. Cover."

Quoted at the post:

Back when I was in high school Kate Moss was THE supermodel. It's easy to see why. All these years later, she is still one of the sexiest women on the planet. In this spread for Vogue UK, you can see why. It must have been chilly when they took these pictures because she is nipping for realsies. She exemplifies the thin but slinky sexy silhouette...
And be sure to click through for her tight top-busting nipple pokies.

Ms. Moss has some ample breasts, and they're poking through there pretty hard, lol.

Early Night.............

A Tale of Two Collapses [stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate]......................from Rico

History repeats, some say. Others suggest it rhymes really well. Let's consider that it repeats, just not in exactly the same way.
- Take the term "collapse." There is more than one flavor of collapse.
The "Great Depression" was bad, and the "Greater Depression" will be bad...just in different ways. It will not be fun
- One might argue that the "Greater Depression" has already started, but because it doesn't 'look' like the last one we haven't yet noticed.
The "Great Depression" was a DEFLATIONARY COLLAPSE. Currency was worth more as prices collapsed. This 'deflation' bogeyman is exactly what the FED (especially Ben Bernanke) has been scared witless of and is trying to avoid at all costs. They are wrong. They are fighting the last war, while clueless about the next one. Fighting the last depression will not help anyone avoid the next depression.
- The 1930's financial markets saw stocks drop 90% from 1929-1933, Secure bonds were the best thing to have. Commodities sank. Most real estate was owned outright.
The "Greater Depression" is an INFLATIONARY COLLAPSE. Currency is worth much less as prices increase.
- Money is now being created to avoid a price collapse. More money will be created. This time, stocks...and especially commodities...will surge to the upside as people panic and try to get out of rapidly depreciating currencies in general (and bonds in specific). Next to bonds, real estate will also be devastated because no one will want to lend money long-term, and real estate is built on a mortgage market which will vanish.
Forewarned is forearmed.
- Trusting the very same people that have made a mess of things to 'solve' the mess they created is delusional. The cavalry is not coming to rescue you, or anyone else. We're all on our own at this point.........

Pic Dump.................

Economics 101: Supply And Demand!...from TPC

In NYC when luxury apartment supply outstrips the demand then the inevitable is going to happen!

Read more at...

Luxury Manhattan Rental Apartments: More Supply And Steady Demand Negatively* Impacts Rents!

A Tax For Living....................from Rico

Remember being taunted by Nasty Pelosi that "we have to pass it to find out what's in it?"
- We keep finding out the Affordable Care Act is unaffordable.
Remember Barry promising that health care premiums would FALL by $2,500 per family?
- They have instead RISEN by $4,865 per family.
Remember Nov 2015 when the largest U.S. health insurer UnitedHealth cut its 2015 earnings forecast and said it may quit the business entirely in 2017 because it has proven too costly?
- Then you won't be at all surprised to hear the UnitedHealth won't be selling coverage next year in Georgia or Arkansas, and declines to comment on plans to drop other states.
Proving the old adage "there is no problem government can't make worse by fixing it" UnitedHealth, Aetna Inc, Blue Cross, and Blue Shield ALL posted losses last year thanks to Barry's "signature domestic policy achievement."
- More simply put, so that even "progressives" can understand it:                                      ObamaCare is a tax for living. 

Cartoon Round Up....

A "teachable moment" from Hillary.....................from Rico

Yes, Hillary has much to "teach" all of us, and boy is SHE ever "ready" to "whip" the rest of us into line..........

Conceit or delusion?......................from Rico

The great conceit of "progressives" and all "big government" types is that THEY know better how to spend YOUR money than YOU do.
- The rest of us call this a delusion. An abusive delusion.
But YOU decide for yourself, happy taxpayer.
- If you work, then you work 16 weeks out of 52 to pay taxes.
- You will pay MORE in taxes than you do for food, clothing, and housing combined.
- If you don't work, you can spend tax dollars for 52 weeks.
Here are just a few examples of government spending your money more wisely than you ever could:
- Giving tax dollars to Iran for its nuclear weapons program.
- Making tax dollars available to illegal aliens for Social Security.
- Spending tax dollars to import and support Muslim "refugees."
- Creating and funding ISIS with tax dollars.
                                    and, of course
- Bailing-out banks with tax dollars was among those wise choices.
                        but my personal favorite is this
- Funding an endless series of frequent, lavi$h vacations for Barry and his faux-family plus all their hangers on.
                    others might argue that THIS is the acme
- Paying tax dollars for skatey-eight thousand rounds of golf for Barry, aka King Putt.
Makes me almost think Lois Lerner of the IRS was trying to be helpful and ease the pain when she said "try not to think of it as your money, none of the us do."

Safe Space Cry Babies - Wild Bill

College age boys in WWII were storming the beaches of Normandy. Today they are crying for "safe spaces". What has happened to manhood?

Friday 8 April 2016

Sibling Booty Rivalry: Hot Bella Thorne Shapely Bikini Photo Hotness in Miami with Sister Dani

Bella is beautiful --- and so shapely.

And just 18-years-old too.

A lovely little hot thing!

Here, "Bella Thorne Bikini Beach Photos in Miami: Sexy Former Disney Star Frolics in the Florida Surf with Sister Dani."

Bella's got a really fresh and shapely booty, heh.

Genocide - Europe Will Be Diverse Says EU Bureaucrat...............from Daniel Thomas

As the people of the world are witnessing with their own eyes the nation states of Europe are being irrevocably changed for the worse and their Judeo-Christian cultures slowly erased by open border mass immigration. What the world may not know however, is that this is not the result of civil wars or compassion toward refugees fleeing for their lives.

In a rare fit of candour out of character with the usual pre-programmed propaganda from EU bureaucrats, the Vice-President of the European Council, Frans Timmemans, has confirmed what informed people knew already; that this is part of a long planned agenda to erase the centuries old civilizations of the nation states of Europe, along with their white Judeo-Christian cultures, replacing them with so called 'multi-cultural societies'.

"There is not going to be, even in the remotest places on the planet, a nation that will not see diversity in it's future", says Mr. Timmermans.

To remove any ambiguity he goes further:

"Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse".

It couldn't be better articulated that this is part of the long planned UN agenda for the entire planet including the United States of America.

Read the article here

New Sabine Jemeljanova Photos for the Sun's Page 3 Girls

Well, Sun News hasn't caved to the feminist totalitarians just yet --- thank goodness!

The Latvian babe Sabine is one of the very best, most beautiful women working the topless news featurette for the Sun.

Check it out.

Here, "Hot Topless Sabine Jemeljanova for Page 3."

2CELLOS - Whole Lotta Love vs. Beethoven 5th Symphony

Cartoon Round Up....


Oh Mothers, Tell Your Children: don't trust museums on climate change

Hard War

Why Westerners make inviting targets for terrorists

Hamas's New Way of Poisoning the Minds of Palestinian Children

Florida Gov. Rick Scott gets an earful at Starbucks: 'You're an embarrassment to our state!'

Trump Vs. The Banana

US military launches self-piloting ship

Australia Buys New Precision-Guided Glide Bomb for F-35

How Bernie Sanders Sold His Soul to the Left

Boobs!...from TPC

It will likely be considered politically incorrect to show a woman with one white boob and one black boob but let's throw caution to the the wind and do it anyway!

An Endorsement (of Sorts) For Cruz in the NYT......................from Dan Friedman

[Anyone who bothers to read my messages, knows I loathe the New York Times. I don't subscribe, I don't read it, I don't link to it or send out their stories, and I rarely quote from the Jew-hating rag. Well, today I'm making an exception with this Op Ed a reader sent me written by Ross Douthat, the house "conservative." The reason being, Douthat and I seem to agree that the convention will not be decided as many pundits today predict.
The popular scenario circulating now, holds that the Republican establishment is going to rig the convention and bring in someone of their own choosing to be the nominee. But I don't buy it, and here's why. It makes no sense.
If there’s an ounce of survival instinct left in the Republican party, the GOP apparatchiks will be so relieved they have a bona fide alternative to Trump at the convention  they’re going to embrace Ted Cruz like their favorite son. Why have an ugly knock down brawl, look like connivers in front of the entire country by bringing in a ringer at the last moment, when they can turn to a man who slugged it out with Trump from the beginning and beat him to a draw more or less? df]
“Cruz’s path to victory at a contested convention looks very clear indeed”
By Ross Douthat

Outrageous!......................from Rico

Remember the "bail-out" of General Motors that later led to the sobriquet "Government Motors?"
Here is some 'payback' for the original owners (the bond holders) of GM being disenfranchised and sold-out by the Obama regime:
- Chinese-manufactured Cadillacs will now be imported and sold to US customers.
- Thanks a bunch.
This is the "system" that both political parties support, that routinely and regularly jams it up America's ass for a few bucks in their own pockets.
- Whether you support Sanders or Trump, THIS is exactly why average people are not only "fed up" but ready to burn the whole damned corrupt and rotten system down and start over from scratch.
Once again, America has been 'played' for suckers by its 'leaders.'
- World-class suckers. Mugs. Jerks.

Remember the Phrase "Liberal Fascists." It's Not An Oxymoron Anymore....................from Dan Friedman

[As the campuses go, so goes our future. And while our backs were turned, our campuses have been overrun by unchecked Jew-hating mobs. This will be a fight to the finish, with the winner yet to be determined. But the modern brown shirts have a head start while most of us still don't have a clue about what's going on. (Even more pathetic, some are counting on Hillel to intercede on our behalf.) Let no one underrate the importance of this struggle. This one is for all the marbles, and the time to mobilize is now. df]

With friends like that, who needs enemies?......................from Rico

Hillary's campaign slogan "Fighting for us" makes me ask "for whom?" Just like FORWARD should have been met with the question "to where?", and CHANGE challenged "from what to what?" it is not unreasonable to ask "who is US?"
- The people of Haiti found out...Hillary was NOT fighting FOR them, but instead fighting them.
Americans need to get a clue and understand that Hillary is not fighting FOR them but against them. Hillary is fighting for her owners, for those who can grant her money and power, not for "we the people."
- With "friends" like Hillary, who needs enemies?

"Funny Jeff Dunham and Bubba J bloopers" | Jeff Dunham

Don't Mess With Taxes

Lila Kagedan: Orthodox Judaism's First Female Rabbi (VIDEO)

Full story: "Lila Kagedan, the First Orthodox Jewish Woman to Take the Title of Rabbi (VIDEO)."