Thursday 2 May 2024

This life just gets better and better, Now I have bowel cancer confirmed. Homeless fundraiser continues...............

 Update: It has been confirmed that I have bowel cancer. Apparently I have a 5cm malignant tumour which is bloody annoying!! CT scan Monday. Will see how this pans out.

As previously mentioned I continue to be homeless and in need of a little support. Sadly I don't qualify for help in housing from the council and finding a private let is hampered by a total lack of available properties. Am presently living in my car which isn't so bad, but not the best thing for my COPD. If anyone has a few pennies to spare please hit the link in the sidebar. Any donations will be gratefully accepted and wisely spent on bed and breakfasts, as the occasional night in a proper bed is a much needed thing. I hope that none of you have ever been in this highly unenjoyable situation, because it's not a lot of fun and I can only hope that a place to live will appear in the near future.

Thanks in advance. Theo

Chateau Citroen 

Update: I remain homeless but thanks to some incredibly kind donations I get to sleep in a bed every now and again. So anyone who still wants to make a small donation it will be gratefully received.


Mark Matis said...

Have you considered converting to Islam and requesting asylum?

Anonymous said...

That just would not be right.

Mark Matis said...

But you know very well it would WORK!