Saturday 2 July 2016

Jay Leno Drives A Sidecar For The First Time - Jay Leno’s Garage

Jay Leno hits the track for an intense sidecar race with Jay Leno’s Garage shop foreman, Bernard Juchu, at Willow Springs International Motorsports Park.

Cartoon Round Up....

To Turn Back Terror, Israel Has to Turn Back Oslo....................from Dan Friedman

[How many Jewish lives have to be lost before the Israeli public "gets it?" They were betrayed with eyes wide open in 1993 by delusional leftists led by Rabin and Peres who promised them "peace," then led their people calmly into the charnel house of Oslo. As a result, the country now leads the league in mourning innocent victims of Arab terrorism as well as enduring empty promises from their "leaders" who have no intention of doing what's necessary to end the carnage. That is, declare the "peace process" null and void and walk back the arms and authority given to the Arabs on false premises. There will never be a good time to do it, which means the time to do it is now before another Jewish victim is laid to rest. df]
ILTV - BREAKING UPDATE- July 1st, 2016

Best Fails of the Year 2016 (So Far)

New Study Reveals That U.S. Women Have the Biggest Breasts in the World


I love American exceptionalism -- especially exceptional American hooters!

Here, "American Women Have the Biggest Breasts in the World."

We definitely need more research into busty U.S. broads.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Expresses Regret Over Private Meeting with Former President Bill Clinton (VIDEO)

She claims it wasn't planned at all.


Here, "Loretta Lynch Regrets Private Meeting with Bill Clinton (VIDEO)."

Fergie's M.I.L.F. $ — Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen Star in Fergie's Hot Moms Drenched Milk Video Clip


It's hard to keep up with the culture, heh.

I mean, all these sexy moms drenched in milk. Crazy!

Here, "Busty and Milky: Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen Star in Fergie's M.I.L.F. $ Clip (VIDEO)."

Kim Kardashian's especially just slathered her huge breasts with milk.

Friday 1 July 2016

July 4th – It’s More Than Just Hot Dogs...from TPC

On July 4th Americans Celebrate Freedom And The Declaration Of Our Independence In 1776!

The Hallmark Abstract Service Family Would Like To Wish You, Your Family, Your Friends And Our Nation A Very Happy And Safe Holiday!

“This Independence Day, take a step back and cherish your life and the country you live in while appreciating the sacrifices people made to give us independence today.”

Cartoon Round Up....

Voting In Favor of "Breaks It"

Battle of the Somme Centenary...................

For the Fallen.
100 years on from the beginning of the Battle of the Somme, we pay tribute to all those who lost their lives and were affected by this 141 day battle.

Six-tenths of One Percent?.........................from Rico

I'd be tempted to call this a case where the tail is wagging the dog, but today's special snowflakes, social just us warriors, and other thenthitive Soros-funded types might feel hurt.
- Dogs, on the other hand, like me simply don't give a shit.
Transgenders currently number 1.4 million people in the US. That's LESS than 0.6% of the total legal adult population.
- For anyone getting their 'news' from the MSM and/or a recent graduate of a government-run school, that's only six-tenths of one percent.
That's not very many, is it?
- From the amount of time the MSM and the POTUS (Prick of the United States) spend on the topic, you'd think it was 14 million if not 140 million.

Accidentally on purpose...

Does anyone think the whole 'transgender' thing just happened out of the blue?
- Cross-dressers, transvestites, and gender-confused people have been among us for all of human history, so why is it a big deal NOW?
Nothing is 'fed' to the public by the "progressive media complex" (the MSM) without following an agenda, and the District of Clowns has been setting the agenda for some time now...led by the current "PRogressive In Chief" (PRIC).
The whole Bruce "call me Caitlyn" Jenner, gender-self identification, bathroom kerfuffle is not by accident. It is on purpose. It has been manufactured. It is intended to "condition" the masses to accept what was formerly considered bizarre and deviant behavior as normal.
- The mass public conditioning is ALMOST complete, but we'll know the job is considered as finished when we start hearing "call me Michael" from the media poodles referring to the person now presenting as Barry's wife, Michael.
Joan Rivers sadly could not be reached for further comment.

Skew You! A Pollish Joke.....................from Dan Friedman

[When the liberal media allies itself with their counterparts in the polling business, it invariably produces the desired results. A ginned up lead bequeathed to their favorite son or daughter. Better to suppress the vote, my dear! Fortunately, there are still a few pollsters who refuse to toe the party line and publish polls that have more integrity and accuracy than the self-fulfilling prophesies commissioned by the libtards. df]
White House Watch: Trump 43%, Clinton 39%

The Pansy and The Rifle - Wild Bill

A New York liberal journalist shot an AR15 and threw a hissy fit about how it traumatized him.
Bill has a few words for that man.

Huge! Big-Busty Charlotte McKinney No Panties in See-Through Skirt for Guess (PHOTOS)

She's really dominating these days, heh.

Here, "Huge Melons! Charlotte McKinney Flaunts Jaw-Dropping Curves in Seductive See-Through Guess Campaign."

Thursday 30 June 2016

Brexit - Keep The Champagne On Ice It's A Long Way From Done...............from Daniel Thomas

If it means raining on anyone's parade to keep the British people vigilant then so be it. When one looks at the EU's record on referendum results combined with a ruthless political establishment that is fanatically dedicated to the EU project, there is ample reason for the British people to keep their eyes wide open and their powder dry.

It's much too early to be celebrating Brexit on the basis of the recent referendum result. Great Britain is still very much a member of the United States of Europe and will remain so for the foreseeable future, and if the establishment gets it's way, for ever. In any event there is plenty of time for the establishment to operate a scorched earth policy and by accelerating integration make Brexit all but impossible.

As the euphoria dies down and the hangovers heal, opening the curtains has not revealed a sunlit new dawn of freedom from rule by unelected bureaucrats or control over ones own destiny; it does not mean an end to the $85 million per day membership fee, an end to job strangling red tape and, most importantly, it doesn't mean an end to open border mass immigration that was the signature issue during the campaign.

The result of the referendum was unequivocal; despite a campaign where the Remain side had unlimited resources and support from every British institution along with international conglomerates, merchant banks, fat cat businessmen, media moguls, an assortment of millionaires and billionaires, high profile celebrities and even the President of the United States of America, the majority of the British electorate had the temerity to vote Brexit and to leave the corrupt EU.

The EU project to replace the independent nations states of Europe with a single superstate has taken a generation of lying, deceit and dedication on the part of the global political elite and they don't intend to abandon it on the basis of a referendum. Previous referenda, including those held in France, the Netherlands and Ireland have been ignored or the electorate ordered to vote again until the 'right' result is forthcoming.

Read the article here

13-Year-Old Israeli Girl Stabbed to Death in Her Bedroom (VIDEO)

The assailant, shot dead by police, was 19-year-old Mohammad Tra'ayra. His mom praised her son as a "martyr."

I'm beside myself here. A young, beautiful Jewish settler, attacked by a "virtuous" Palestinian. Watch, leftist anti-Zionists will say the poor thing deserved it.

Full story is here, "Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13-Years-Old, Stabbed to Death While Asleep at Home in Kryat Arba Settlement (VIDEO)."

Brexit: Stocks up and treasury bond yields down?...from TPC

Intuitively it's really not supposed to be that way!

Blonde Bombshell Charlotte McKinney Stops Traffic as She Flaunts Her Huge Melons in Teeny-Tiny Tight Red Dress on Set of New Movie (PHOTOS)

She's actually way hotter than Kate Upton, man.

Her tits are freakin' fantastic!

And what a skin-tight little red mini-dress. Holy cow!

Here, "New Charlotte McKinney Photos: Blonde Bombshell Ginormous Knockers Stops Traffic on Movie Set (PHOTOS)."

Just huge melons.

Irresistibles - Samantha Hoopes

Mark "Oz" Geist: Stop Clinton, Vote Trump..................

H/T Steven Crowder


Scott Ott wonders if the overturning of a Texas abortion law by the US Supreme Court has set a disastrous precedent that will haunt us forever.

With friends like this...............from Rico

Barry's 'gun walking' experiment aka "Fast and Furious" keeps paying dividends.
- Conceived as part of a plan to deprive American citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights, it allowed Mexican criminals gangs to acquire weapons that they used to murder American LEO's.
Now we learn that Muslim terrorists used a weapon sold in Phoenix under "Fast and Furious" for the 13 Nov 2015 Paris massacre.
Brilliant plan Barry and Eric dickHolder, you assholes!
- WHY aren't you BOTH already in Leavenworth playing drop the soap?
And the MSM along with the "Ready for Hillary" crowd struggles to understand WHY Democrats and Muslims get on so well together.............

Obama Video Montage: Being President Is A Serious Job...Really?...from TPC

Remember back in February when Barack Obama told the press that Trump should not be President because 'being president is a serious job'?

Well the video montage in this article showing just some of Obama's appearances and moves indicate that perhaps he should have taken his own advice!

Cartoon Round Up....


WON'T YOU PLEASE HELP? We Must All Join Together to Find a Cure For Sudden Islamic Combustion Syndrome (SICS)

When the Government Lies: TWA Flight 800

Willful Blindness and Radical Islam: My Testimony

A Socialist Les Miserables in Venezuela

Mysterious death in Clinton bribery case

Why Did Bill Clinton And Loretta Lynch Meet On Her Airplane In Phoenix This Week?

The Benghazi Lie in Black and White

Turkey's Growing Influence over Islam in Austria

John Brennan's pap on the motivation of ISIS

Politifact Misses Story of the Year

Move along now...................from Rico

It's perfectly understandable that Hillary wants everyone to just "move along now" there's nothing to see, sheeple....and for the love of her cherished class Presidency of a failed generation STFU about that Benghazi stuff. 
- In her own words "what does it matter?"
Well, it matters one whole Helluva lot to a lot of people, and enough of those people will NOT sit down and shut up and are a serious threat to her coronation.
- Many are thinking it's time for HER to move on now, having had quite enough of her sociopathic criminality.
Hillary and her baggage are endangering the Democrat's (C) plans to keep control of the Red Shed, and she may yet be thrown under the bus of globalism as a sacrifice to that end.
- Stand by for a "most interesting theory" along those lines..................

A Note to Pro-Abortion Liberal Hypocrites by AlfonZo Rachel

In light Supreme Court's Supremely Sinister Abortion Decisions, I was just thinking about liberals with abortion and that I'd share my thought with ya!

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Boston-Born Italian Hottie Melissa Satta Marries Her Professional Soccer Player Boyfriend, Because Soccer Players Simply Get the Most Luscious Women

More great soccer WAGS.

Here, "Tasty Hot Melissa Satta Black Bikini Hotness in Italy."

Oh man, those pro-soccer babe breasts are to die for!

Chilling Moment Istanbul Attacker Detonates Suicide Bomb (VIDEO)

Content Warning!

Here, "WATCH: Airport Surveillance Video Shows Istanbul Airport Attacker Detonating Bomb."

Fashion Blogger Brianna Addolorato Takes It Off at the Beach (PHOTOS)

Nice nips on that hot blond babe.

Here, "Brianna Addolorato, Fashion Model, Blogger, and Activist — and Topless Bikini Hottie!"

John Kerry Video: Our National Security In The Hands Of A Fool!...from TPC

John 'Iran Nuclear Deal' Kerry is one of the Obama administration idiots in charge of protecting the citizens of the United States!

The video in this article highlights his moronic views as well as the critical nature of the presidential election!

Cartoon Round Up....


Bill, Steve and Scott discuss at length the causes and ramifications of one of the most seismic events of the new century

That sums it all up........................from Rico

This neatly sums up the entire BREXIT thing.
It's YOUR turn next, Hillary...only with a much bigger fish.

Conflagration Prize

Saving Private Andresen - Wild Bill

Its time for Americans to rally for one of our own

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Frances Wang Doing Outstanding Journalism at 'White Nationalist' Rally In Sacramento

Following-up from the other day, "'No Free Speech for Fascists!' — Leftist Extremists Launched Violent Attack at Sacramento Rally (VIDEO)."

Frances Wang photo Cl5hsMjVEAEmmUy_zps9rxdpymy.jpg
Ms. Wang was kind enough to post some selfies while out doing cutting edge journalism.

Really, that video of the anarchist breaking a board over the back of the so-called white nationalist's head was astonishing.

More selfies at the post, "Frances Wang."

She's an absolutely beautiful woman.

Soccer Players Get the Best Tail

The hottest WAGS, lol.

Here, "Hot Wives and Girlfriends of Euro Cup Soccer Players":

You'd expect top scores of some South American country to have Victoria's Secret model shtupping. Soccer provides similar opportunities for Slovenian defenders. A sport where dudes who don't even score get world class [totty].

Totally world class.

Open Letter To Pope Francis by AlfonZo Rachel

Putin' the tickle in heretical, I engage in the no no of disagreeing with the Pope who claims that christians owe homosexuals an apology.

Hillary and Bill Clinton Trivia!...from TPC

Over the years it seems to this inquiring eye that a disproportionate number of Hillary and Bill Clinton friends, confidants and employees have wound-up dead!

This article provides a short list!

Cartoon Round Up....


What are military UN trucks doing in Virginia?

James Carville on the 40-Clip Magazine

Fast and Furious Part Deux: CIA Weapons for Syrian Rebels End Up on Jordanian Black Market

Open Borders Zealot Zuckerberg Infuriates Neighbors by Building Massive Security Wall Around His Hawaiian Home

Ideologues Make for Dangerous Politicians

Bill Clinton Picked Up Women While jogging as Ataffers Snorted Cocaine at Work, Former Secret Service Agent Claims in New Tell-All Book

"The Peasants are Revolting" Intellectual Froglegs w guest Dr. Bill Warner

When this WAS still America..........................from Rico

Once upon a time, before the infestation of Michael Moore's, whackjob Kalifohnia Congress women, and the likes of Barry (however he may self-identify), this was how threats to schools were handled.
- I don't recall ANY problem with Musloid terrorism, either.
So tell me how the "progressives" have made anything better or safer with their incandescently vapid cultural Marxism?
Here's a great solution to the "gun problem" they (a) 'claim' exists, and (b) that they propose to 'fix'............make owning a gun against the law for Democrats (C).
Problem solved!

Worse Than "Crooked": Hillary's Baggage (cont'd)...........................from Dan Friedman

[You have to ignore an awful lot to pull the lever for Hillary. Now along comes a bigger security breach than Benghazi or her email server - unless you think getting in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood is no big thing for our next US President. df]
And Hillary Clinton adjutant Huma Abedin has ties to both of them.

Britain Breaks Free! - Wild Bill

The people of Great Britain take the first step to take back their nation from the left.

Nina Agdal Revealing Breasts in Coney Island Bikini

I love this.

See, "Sizzling Nina Agdal in Bikini at Coney Island." (Some bonus topless linkage there as well.)

Plus, more from WWTDD and some Lucy Pinder breasts busting out of a Union Jack bikini oh my!

Monday 27 June 2016

Insane Sacramento Far-Left Violence Shuts Down 'Neo-Nazi' Rally (VIDEO)


Literal hand-to-hand combat.

Here, "'No Free Speech for Fascists!' — Leftist Extremists Launched Violent Attack at Sacramento Rally (VIDEO)."

I don't shock easily, but the beginning of the video, when the black bloc anarchist, armed with a wooden club, smashes a protester in the side of the head, is mind-boggling.

Some of these activists from the Traditional Workers Party appeared indeed to be Nazis, as I found out after trolling around on Twitter yesterday. The only thing is, it was the leftists who started the violent attacks. Frankly, they set out to violently confront the so-called "white nationalists" and shut them down. So who's the extremist? Who's the real fascist?


#TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet: Sizzling Hot Trump Women Break the Freakin' Internet!

OMG I love this.

These Trump babes are the da freakin' kine!

Check them all out!

"Trump Babes."

Lots more tight beach-body Trump babes bodaciously at the link.

Trump Babes photo Cl212C8UgAAFM7__zpsii9hjibz.jpg

USA Jews at Odds With Israel: Advantage Israel........................from Dan Friedman

[No, this was not written by me, but it repeats verbatim what I've been saying for years: The schism between Israelis and the left-leaning USA Jewish community is widening and accelerating - all at the expense of America's "progressive" Jews and their scheme to exercise influence in the Jewish state. df]
The report presented to the Israeli cabinet also focuses on the demographics of Israel’s capital, concluding that the government should consider new measures to ensure a Jewish majority in Jerusalem.

Run silent, run deep.........................from Rico

When you carefully communicate ONLY via poll-tested and scripted political wind-driven sound bites, it's hardly surprising to note that it has been over 200 days (that's almost seven months for those who are "ready for Hillary") since HRC held a press conference.
- Hillary remains submerged as she navigates the way to her coronation.
It's completely understandable, however. Familiarity DOES indeed breed contempt, and the great unwashed is exceedingly tired of the "same old, same old, being given the business as usual" that she represents.
- Her campaign spinmeisters know this. 
- Her compliant media poodles know this.
- She may even know this (but I'm not sure....she's not bright enough to operate a fax machine, so.....)?
After visibly coming out for the losing REMAIN side of the UK referendum, she revealed her (a) loyalty to globalist interests, (b) disdain for the right of others to decide their own fates, and (c) her usual and chronic political tone-deafness.
- Yeah, she had BETTER put a cork in it for a while longer and rely upon her campaign strategy of "Press We Can" instead.
Hell's bells, Hillary declaring that she is not a liar is just as hillaryous as Nixon's "I am not a crook."
- Puh-lease. Now pull the other one.................

Awesome Albania - Little Big World

Albania has been one of the best kept traveller secrets in Europe for a few years. Even with tourism expanding now it is still an amazing place to visit.

Jeff Dunham's AMC Gremlins - Jay Leno's Garage

Jay invites Jeff Dunham to the garage to check out his 1972 and 1973 AMC Gremlins.

Cartoon Round Up....